Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A random Wednesday 17 Oct 12

Hi, followers and readers! I'm back with a couple of new art some news and nothing, lol. Isn't that enough?
Anywho. The Urban30 project is still going on... Just without me. I was dropped from the project. 

The lesson for today kids is deadlines... It good to have them and great to meet them. Try your best to get the deadlines as early as possible. Because, as much as you want to do it, you can not fulfill a deadline
when you already have a plate full... The other lesson for today is moderation! 

I know you want to do every project that falls in your lap, but you have to have respect for your on-going
projects and clients, yourself and on-going deadlines, and the new client and new deadlines.
Kk, with that said lets get to some art!!!

This is Drifter for U30. I call this the short hard look collar.

This is Drifter with the tall hard look collar.

This is Heatstroke, a villain from the U30 universe.
I was really diggin' the updated look I gave her. She's pretty cool..
Pun intended.

This little lady has no name but it part of a project I'm working on 
for a book that's going to be published.
This is the colors for the same lady.... She's got the whole world 
in her hands................
......Sorry about that. ^___^

You should be pretty familiar with fella. 
It's Tango again. This time he's looking at something
with interest. Wonder what that could be?

That's all folks. Well at least for this update.
I'll see you next time.... And.....


Saturday, July 21, 2012

I may switch to Saturday updates... Or just make it random just update weekly

So quite frankly having issues keeping this thing updated every week on Tuesday. So how about I just guarantee I update weekly. So my work week starts on Friday so it'll be Friday-Thursday.... Well here's today's upload.
Mr. Difter, we've seen quite a lot of you lately!!! 
Still solidifying the design of Drifters suit for my run on 
Urban30's character.

Tons of sketch work. Having issues with my graphic pad
but I want to keep progression going on this project.

More sketch work...

Even more sketch work...

And the final piece of sketch work this session.

Also solidifying the design for Manga Tango for the up and coming 
Manga Graphic Novel titled "Twilighted"
Written by noted creator and artist Germaine Webb.

That's it for this upload. See you next time and...


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!!!

So! I don't have a ton to show today, but I will show what I've been working on.

This is something I smuggled out of the Department of Homeland Security........
I kid, I kid! This is a super secret project I'm penning and designing.
It's going to be great. The few people I have let see the project really like it.
So I'm sure you will too.

This is a file labeled "Tangomanga" for a Forgotten Guardians project.
But of course I couldn't do anything without designing the new look, 
a younger more vibrant version.
I'm thinking this series will be called, "Twilighted"
See what I did there?... Huh?... Ah what do you know about comedy!
Anywho, you'll see me redesigning the cast and crew of Forgotten.

This is the rework from the project in last page's highlights. 
Had to make a uniform change.
On this one and a character change on another. 
But I'm still in negotiations with
the client about the character change.

Well that's all I got this round. Promise to have more next time!!!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This page is very Urban

Today I'm uploading my sample work for Elemental, a character from Urban 30... I've mentioned it previously on other pages. Here is the website for Urban30. So let's get started shall we.

This one isn't much, because I was drawing all of these on a moving 
MARTA bus. 
And take it from me. It takes some getting use to.

Here's the second one and I believe I'm getting use to it.

"Tentacles away" 
Showing Elemental in offensive stance. 
Causing the tentacles to combine and attack. 
I think I did a good job at showing that. 
What do you think?

I wanted a more sensual sweep of the tentacle.... Eh. I'm still working on that. 

This is actually the word bubble set for the comic. It will be vectored out and cool.
Trust me, I can slang it when it comes to original word bubbles.

That's all I have for today. I'll bring you more next time.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 18 Posts ABOARD!!!

 So another week has passed and I've spent some of it as in a couple of days with back to back 9-5 and design.... Can you say endless nights. The whole latenight staff at Steak and Shake Roswell know who I am now. Not surprisingly they now welcome me with open arms or rather open tables.

This is that project that's been costing me loss of sleep for days!!

This is Horace the horned viper...

Sting the scorpion...

Lee the lion....

Falon the hawk...

Sandie the sand cat... 

And the group pic!!!

This is my version of the "Cursed" part of another projects I'm attached to...

Head shot of the Cursed...

 And a little Drifter work. I think me and Mr. Drifter are getting along nicely.
What do you think?

Well that's it for this upload.!!


Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11's SupaMegaUpload!!!

In apology for soooo many Tuesdays I bring you SupaMegaUpload V.1.oh! I'm giving you work from weeks past. I've been working on a few projects, but I won't be able to show you one of them.

Drifter from U30 Urban3zero. I'm gonna be pulling some stunts for them very soonish. This pic was so influenced by the illmatic and unstoppable style of Courtland Illesigns Ellis. His untouchable flexing style just motivates me beyond measure. I'm going to go back to a very flashy and fun style that you've never seen from me as followers. I know you'll like them!

Lee the lion....

Sandie the sand-cat..

And Horace the horned-viper... Are 3 of 5 mascots I'm designing for a client. They are desert creatures save Lee... I don't think there are lions in the desert.... I'ma look that up! Yep, there are! Love Google. You'll see the other two as I knock out their designs. 

"I didn't choose to love you. There is nothing you did super special to make me love you. I .... Just..... Do!" That's what this special "unfinished" card says. The guys heart is all taped up and ready to be given, yet again, unselfishly.

Random Bat-girl-esque character. I was fighting sleep at this time waiting to be relieved from a 16+ hour shift. She's abit off and very light. I tried to darken her, but it started blacking out because of the shadow of taking the picture.

Tee shirt design...
Working concept, what is 'posed to look like!

Design work for a poster-like pic or cover-type.... Secret in the works-type project.

More of the same pic... This is front figure work brainstormy.

And that pretty much finishes us off for tonight. I think all the pics should enlarge to bigger pics, if not sorry, if so great!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24... 7pm posting!!!

     Ok, hopefully I won't be posting at 7pm too often. But it's here now so deal with it!!! LOL! I have some goodies for you this time
     This is Drifter... Like you can't read. I'm getting a feel for a couple of characters for a future project.... Should be fun.

     I was warming up with some inks... This is an original work(or at least a crop of) from Ian Snyder of Big Dog Ink. And  On his Deviantart. I'm going to be working on this from time to time. It helps me focus and also get good control of the tablet and pen.

     This is an original I'm working on for a Drifter piece(see the references). I was given a bunch of references. The hair on the bottom and the suit on the top caught my eye. Check out the Urban30 webpage!! You won't be sorry. But you'll see this as it progress to the almost finished stage... Finished products only go on my Deviantart and the official nF8th Studio page. I'm also doing some tattoo designs that I can't show... But know that I'm doing some work.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks art and blog.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No post on yesterday!!!! You were doing so good!

     Sorry about no post on yesterday. I just got  my lappie back, so I had no time to put things together for your viewing pleasure. Without my mcu(mobile command unit) I was not able to do much work, but I did squeeze out a couple pen sketches.

On these I'm working on a card for someone's birthday. The second one is the layout. You may or may not be able to tell what's happening.

"FANGS" logo I made. Top is so you can see it a little better, the bottom so you can see it closer.

New direction with the nF8th Studio logo. This is my original idea for the logo. I couldn't find the original sketch so I drew it again. I think this time it's even better than the first time.

Tango being knocked down. I'm going to work more on this scene. It's the beginning of a story arch so it will be drawn a couple of times. I wanted to get it out of my head so that's the first. I'm going to refine it second and when I actually draw the arch I will redraw it a third time. 

An old character of mine deserves a redesign, since he was one of my first comic characters and he actually was the first to be published. The original art for the publication was drawn by an artist I commissioned and of course written and lettered by me.

This is wizard I'm working on for a mural I'm doing for a friend and client. Just getting it out of my head. Lots of fleshing to go both with him and the scene he's going to be in. 

You can say I was trying to stay busy. 
Now this piece is something I was working on prior to losing the mcu only one person has seen this and I hope he feels special. Still got some tightening up to do, but I like the way it's heading. Hope you do too.

Well that's it for this haul and it was a doozy! I hope you enjoyed!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!