Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New, new... New, new for you, you!!

Huge sketch upload... I'm a little backed up on the scanning and uploading so here is almost a weeks worth of sketches.

This on was done while watch a tutorial vid... I'll have to revisit the tutorial because I can't duplicate the technique quite yet.... Practice make perfect... Or as perfect as I'm going to get it.
Mark Crilley tutorial practice

This is a sword pose......
This is actually a about 3 to 4 days of sketching... Random etching and sketching... You can click the image for a better view of the art!
This is a Kaye K. sketch... One of my main characters from my Forgotten Guardians story...
This is sketch ideas for a drawing challenge by Blk Ant... An artist that I follow a talk to on Facebook... It's a Captain Planet challenge. I really need a tablet for my computer, it would make going from idea to actual art so much faster.... If you want to know what a tablet is just ask me...

And that my friends is that.... See you next blog!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quick drop!!

Just dropping in to show a sketch.....

I was doing a face tutorial from Mark Crilley

And a quick sketch.

Hope you enjoy...

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Look Paw! He's flattin' again!!!

That is all!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Told you I'd be back...

And with that here is some art work! Since my last journal was without.
Here is one of the characters from Forgotten Guardians. His name is Dominance.

Ready to DOMinate!

Just being Dom! 

Chestplate mode

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Can't be afraid to fail!!

Not saying I have, but I can't be afraid of it... Failure. I heard somewhere that you can't fail if you don't try, but you can't succeed if you don't fail.
Or something similar.

The basic jest is get out there and do. If you never try, you never make mistakes, if you never make mistakes you never learn. Especially in art. There have been a couple of things bouncing through my mind that have slowed my progression artistically.

I am selfish... I like to be accepted. My work... My mission... My comic, is an extension of the creativity that God gave me. My comic story is a story of faith and God. And even Christianity. There are people that quite frankly don't like Christian-based stories. I have very few followers of my work, my comic, or even my art. So selfishly I fear losing the few that follow them.

But I love God. I talk about Him every chance I get. Telling people my confession and what He's done for me. I just want Him to be proud of me. But if I lose the few people that's following my work how can I tell them about God and His love? But as I type I think If I don't proceed with the message to the few that are following, how am I really telling them about God if I'm afraid to tell them about GOD?

A bit backwards! Well I don't have anything scanned in so I have nothing to post this entry, but I'll come back soon and post some.

This is just food for thought. Kinda talking to me... You...And God!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We're in the middle of October!!

And I'm just now updating... Can't believe I'm so late. I was doing pretty good at updating until now.

Well, all of my color submissions fell through. Still have a ways to go before I'm ready. One of them I did submit but was not selected the other I fell behind on the submission and didn't get it in in-time.

I'm still working on my colors and my art.

You should know who this is by now... But for those who don't, this is Tango. The main character from Forgotten Guardians.

This is a fan-service! I did this for Kyle Chaney who I met on Facebook. This is his character "Z" he's a dream warrior. I'm working on coloring this as well. I will post the finished colors in my deviantart gallery.

This is an image I was drawing for a contest at Urban Samurai. She is one of his characters that has the martial arts form of cheetah, one of the fastest art forms. I did a cameo of sort putting her on Tango's leathers. After I started coloring it(which I'll post when I'm finished) I figured the cameo was not in good taste even though I still stayed very close to the character's original design, meh.

See you next time.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Throwing the lead around...

I'm working on several ideas, but here's your friendly neighborhood Tango.

For those who don't know, he's from my own comic Forgotten Guardians.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I didn't get the job over at 3113 Studios.

You remember this picture----->

Which saddens me. I felt pretty confident about it, but meh!

I'm sure the colorist they found will fit their needs. Now I've gotta finish the Wynter pic and the other audition piece that I've started.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Flats part duex...

Alright! Here is the flats to the audition that I'm doing over

I have one more page of flatting then it's on to the detailing!
See you then!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A night of "Flatting" part 1

I spent a night of flatting(putting simple colors with no shadows or highlights) some artwork that I plan on coloring for samples and submissions. This is my good friend Anthony's Blk Ant's picture. When I say he's serious... I mean he's SLICK!! Enjoy.

This took a lot longer than I expected... netting about 3.5 hrs... Man! I need to go ahead and get me a tablet!!! Which I should have by mid September.

I'm not planning on having this done right away... Just going to be flatting for a couple of days... I'm doing a colorist job submission for a story called "Aline" with art by Mike A. Calles Polx Xlopp's dA page.

And a Peter "Spiderman" Parker pic drawn by Terrell Bobbett and inked(traced for lack of a shorter description, they do much more) by Chad "Cole-dawg" Cole.

These artist are simply amazing so I'd say go check them out.... Tell them Dani T sent you...(That's my name on

More flats coming soon.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And Now Some Business

So I got this crazy idea,"Hey I would love to color comic books! Professionally!" So I've been searching away trying to find a paying comic book coloring gig(because of course the first step to becoming a professional is to get paid to do it).

So I'm auditioning for a spot at 3113 studios( as... You guessed it a Colorist. I have some stiff competition and I did tryout with Ray Height(, but I didn't make the finals... Mostly because I have very few big 2 looking samples at my gallery( The ones that won are good. I just know I should have been with them... Oh and lack of paying jobs!! Two of them had actual published credits and that's what I'm aiming for True Believers.

Here is a good start... This is the W.I.P.(work in progress...Professional speak!) of my trial. I will keep you updated.

(edit) The first one will allow you to look at the full image... The second will not, I actually loaded the second first, but it's being goofy... Anywho, enjoy the full image by clicking the pic.(end edit)
(edit2)Fixed issue and got rid of that double image thing! Enjoy!(end edit2)

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

More busy work...

Keeping my hand busy and my skill honed... This is something I am going to put on a t-shirt or 2... Let me know if you are interested we can work out something.... I need more people wearing my designs!

This is the second t-shirt design... Again let me know if you want to wear these puppies. I will post the finished designs on my Deviantart page, so be on the look out!

This is John.... He happens to be stuck in the Twilight Battles....... Hey Germaine! I found a new title for you but the book is Twilight: The Battle of Spiritual Warfare.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

See ya next journal.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Back again.

So I've got a new job.... A second job, which is hard to come-by now a days. I have one though and I like it. It's security and it's full time and it doesn't leave me a lot of time. Talking about catching up, making ends meet, getting on the right foot, preparing for a different direction in life.

I have managed to sketch a little.

Talk to you later!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

I got goodies....

Hey! Does anybody even read these blogs?! Well it's good therapy anyway! Here are some sketches that I've done...

This one on a Saturday at work.... Very rare to have any time on a Saturday to draw at a million dollar pizza place, but it happened this day.

This is a Jedi that I created... I was thinking about buying a light saber and I needed a character to wield it, so he was drawn... Still working out some kinks but he's still pretty cool in my eyes.

Well that's all I got... And as a note. This is the third posting in the same month. I'm doing pretty good at this.

See ya next time!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Eight Days Later

Okay...I've actually posted within 8 days. We'll see where this goes. I'm aiming for kind regularly then semi-regularly then pretty regularly then the all encompassing Regularly.

Oh and I'll try to post some recent work... Stuff that you won't find on my deviant site, like sketches and ideas and character designs.

So stay tuned...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'm starting a new blog. I will be updating things, like new art, sketches, inner thoughts, rants, and whatever comes to mind. I'll try to update frequently, but no guarantees on that benchmark.

Later Fans(and future fans)