Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We're in the middle of October!!

And I'm just now updating... Can't believe I'm so late. I was doing pretty good at updating until now.

Well, all of my color submissions fell through. Still have a ways to go before I'm ready. One of them I did submit but was not selected the other I fell behind on the submission and didn't get it in in-time.

I'm still working on my colors and my art.

You should know who this is by now... But for those who don't, this is Tango. The main character from Forgotten Guardians.

This is a fan-service! I did this for Kyle Chaney who I met on Facebook. This is his character "Z" he's a dream warrior. I'm working on coloring this as well. I will post the finished colors in my deviantart gallery.

This is an image I was drawing for a contest at Urban Samurai. She is one of his characters that has the martial arts form of cheetah, one of the fastest art forms. I did a cameo of sort putting her on Tango's leathers. After I started coloring it(which I'll post when I'm finished) I figured the cameo was not in good taste even though I still stayed very close to the character's original design, meh.

See you next time.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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