Sunday, June 9, 2013

Long Saturday into Sunday!!! 9 June twenty13

Project: Big

1 of 12: Done
2 of 12: Done
3 of 12: Done
4 of 12: Done
5 of 12: Done
6 of 12: Done
of 12: Done
of 12: Done
of 12: Done
10 of 12: Started- sketching and approvals 

Con Prints

1 of 8: Tango...Started- Shades and highlights phase
2 of 8: Two Figures.... Started- Sketch phase
3 of 8: Surprise Kaye K. ..... Started- Shades and highlights phase
4 of 8: Surprise Kaye K. long hair mod... Shades and highlights phase
5 of 8: Christian heroes... Started- drawing tweaks
6 of 8: Kaye K. battle ready.... Started- Layout phase
7 of 8: Dominance waiting... Started- Layout phase

Forgotten Guardians: Believe

1 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
2 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
3 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
4 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
5 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
6 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
7 of 30: Done... Character major re-design ..... Planning- redrawing phase
8 of 30: Started- Layout phase
9 of 30: Started- Layout phase
10 of 30: Started- Layout phase
11 of 30: Started- Layout phase
12 of 30: Started- Layout phase
13 of 30: Started- Layout phase
14 of 30: Started- Layout phase
15 of 30: Started- Layout phase
16 of 30: Started- Layout phase
17 of 30: Started- Layout phase
18 of 30: Started- Layout phase
19 of 30: Started- Layout phase

It's been a little while! Where ya been? How's life treating you? I'm here rocking on some inspirational Yolanda Adams(here's my playlist My Yolanda Adams Playlist) and finish the current illustration for BIG and I'm am loving God and the way this image has come to.
This is all I can show! But I'm loving it!

This is a color submission I did recently. Waiting to hear back about it!

A little more progress on the Tango con print. Working mostly on BIG, but I'll be getting to these soon.

But as you see I am plugging away. Things are coming together, slowly but surely. Oh, yea! I also receive the first script for the Forgotten Guardians Manga: Twilighted so also expect some work from that as well! Kk, folks time to get back to it. Remember stay at it and your dreams and purpose will be realized!!


Ps Forgotten Guardians has a dedcated Facebook page and so does my graphics studio NF8th Studio so feel free to visit, like, or share either page till your heart contents!!!

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